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Rochester, NY Website Redesign


The municipal website for Rochester, NY is over eleven years old and needs a redesign that will better engage, connect, and inform constituents.

Residents, business owners, visitors, and others need to be able to access the site, do business with the city, and find answers to their inquiries. My goal is to create an easy experience for those who wish to visit the website and discover what Rochester has to offer.

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The current Rochester website is disorganized, outdated, inaccessible, and unintuitive. The website has not been updated in a long time, the search feature does not yield accurate results, and the organization of the homepage is confusing.

In this case study, I will be focusing on the user flow of a current resident or incoming resident looking up information on Genesee Valley Park.


My goal of this project is to create a seamless and easy to use navigation for those within the elderly and current residents to feel like their city is a beautiful city to be a part of and able to navigate and search for what they need easily and seamlessly. I want to do that through:

Increase the importance of the search bar more because of the overwhelming amount of information the website carries, so people can quickly and specifically find what they need

Create a simple and designed website easy to distinguish the buttons and hierarchy

Create a style that matches what Rochester represents, as well as adding my own take to what I think it needs to be based on a current resident of Rochester

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